Building successful brands and testing your business ideas

We support startups in testing their business ideas, building business models that meet the need of their target group and developing engaging digital solutions. Let’s develop your MVP together and create a successful brand world!

Helping startups testing and building digital products

With design thinking from idea generation to the first clickable prototypes and MVPs to a fully developed and scaling solution. With our expertise in various agile methodologies such as Lean Start-Up as well as UI/UX design and the optimal no-code tools. Are we supporting your startup in each of these phases.

Illustration of the design thinking process

Idea generation / design thinking

By applying design thinking and other idea-generating and problem-solving methods, we analyze your envisioned business case and develop it further in collaboration with you and your team.
This approach puts the problem with focus on the customer in the center and allows to address the exact pain points and needs of the customer. The goal is to fade out the distracting nice to haves and cool to haves and  focus on the most relevant topics.

Customer validation through MVPs & prototypes

With simple prototypes (MVPs), a business idea or even a single feature can be tested for feasibility, viability and/or desirability in a relatively straightforward manner. We make sure that the experiments are kept as simple as possible. This allows us to perform a larger number of tests and thus generate more relevant insights.Besides simple but effective clickable prototypes, we also use various no-code tools to build experiments and create the greatest possible impact for you.

Two mockups of a landingpage
Laptop mockup that shows a website

Implementation and scaling

Through a cleanly conducted customer validation, a clear picture of the solution to be implemented can be created. This means that the focus during the implementation of the "final" solution can be kept high and the effort low. Also in the implementation phase we rely on selected no/low-code solutions. This allows the application to be developed in record time while remaining scalable and fully customizable.

We focus on the important stuff to make your site perfect

Illustration of UI/UX

Easy usability and accessability

We are experienced in building visually appealing and user friendly websites, while also making sure your site is meeting today’s accessibility norms and standards.

Illustration of website develoment

Custom and flexible solutions

We create digital solutions that are fully customizable and flexible. Web apps and platforms need to be continuously adapted, which is possible with no-code development.

Illustration of a timer

Fast to develop and further extend

We work with no-code solutions such as Webflow or WeWeb. This allows us to be about 4x faster in developing websites and gives you the opportunity to bring your product to the market fast.

Ready to start a project?

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You’ve got the questions.
We’ve got the answers.

Well, at least some of them. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for here, then please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to hear from you.

What's no-code?

As the term suggests, no-code tools don't requiree any type of coding. This means that business professionals e.g. in marketing, sales or innovation are able to create digital solutions without having to learn how to code.

Why do you work with no-code?

We see great potential in no-code, because there is much less dependency on software developer. Professional software developers are rare and expensive, which oftentimes delays the launch of new projects because there is a lack in resources. With no-code, we are able to develop digital solutions quickly, professionally and financially reasonable.

Which no-code tools do you work with?

Depending  on the requirements of the projects, we work with different no-code tools.  Webflow, FlutterFlow, WeWeb and Divhunt are our go-to tools, but we also have experience in working with Bubble, Wordpress, Shopify, Wix and many other tools.

How quickly can I get something launched?

No-code  development usually takes 40 - 60% less time than traditional coding. The  actual timing is very individual though. We usually calculate the estimated project time within the first project step and once we have an idea of your needs, we’ll be able to produce a quote to  give you an understanding of what your product launch timeline can be.

Get in touch with us

Let’s get to know each other and collaborate.
We’re pretty uncomplicated - contact us any way you’d like or fill out the form.
We’ll get back to you asap.

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