Custom websites with outstanding user experience and SEO

Business cards were yesterday. If you want to be successful today, you need a convincing website and must be found easily on Google. With our help you will have a website that excites and attracts customers in only a matter of time.

Websites that transform your leads to customers

Times have changed and so have expectations for websites. Customers have become more digitally savvy and appreciate a clean, structured and well designed website. It’s the right time to move on from your 10 year old website and invest in a new one. We’d love to support you in building it.

Laptop mockup that shows a website
Multiple desktop website mockups

Website design

Designing websites is one of our favorite tasks. Creating an outstanting, frictionless user experience and bringing in design patterns is crucial for a successful online presence. Our design process unfolds in Figma, an amazing design tool that also allows you to make changes (if you wish to) and take a look at your design before it goes into development.This website mockup is further used as a framework to develop your site.

Website development

We develop most websites in Webflow. This allows us to be fast and agile - and don’t worry, we’re just as flexible as with traditional coding. We also make sure your website meets all the right SEO standards and performs well across all devices. To make the website super easy to manage, we use Webflows powerful content management system (CSS).

What’s included in the website development service:

  • Setting up CSS class system

  • Creating SEO relevant website content

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Setting up functionalities such as online booking systems, forms, CMS, payment and animations

  • User testing and A/B testing

  • Managing and linking domains

Screenshots of Webflow CMS
Company branding image

Website analysis

You already have a website? Great. We would love to take a look at it for you and analyze, what works well and what could be improved. Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes is worth a lot! We’d love to help.

What the analysis includes:

✔️  Design (User interface)

✔️  Page structure

✔️  Usability (User experience, User flow)

✔️  Performance analysis

✔️  SEO checks

Analyze your website         ˅

Let’s optimize together!

Leave us the link to your website and we will take a look at it. For 200.- CHF we analyze the above mentioned points and summarize our findings in a short presentation.

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We focus on the important stuff to make your site perfect

Illustration of UI/UX

Easy usability and accessability

We are experienced in building visually appealing and user friendly websites, while also making sure your site is meeting today’s accessibility norms and standards.

Illustration of SEO

SEO optimized website content

SEO is not just a buzzword to us. We focus on meeting SEO criteria when we write website content, structure the website and help you reach your dream customers.

Illustration of a timer

Fast to develop and further extend

We work with no-code solutions such as Webflow or WeWeb. This allows us to be about 4x faster in developing websites and gives you the opportunity to bring your product to the market fast.

Take a look at what we’ve built so far

Our clients are SMEs, startups, corporates and associations.
Check out some of the work we’ve done so far and let yourself be inspired!

Website relaunch for a specialist in concrete cosmetics

Website relaunch for a specialist in concrete cosmetics

We were able to create a new website for the company BKOS, a concrete specialist from Lachen SZ, CH. The new website presents the 7 service areas and focuses on presenting the newest reference projects.

Website relaunch for a Swiss tech startup

Website relaunch for a Swiss tech startup

MM-Welding (a joint venture of the Bossard Group, Zug and skion gmbh) asked us to design and develop their new website.

Website, Onlineshop and Extranet for a Food Manufacturer

Website, Onlineshop and Extranet for a Food Manufacturer

Linthmais, a producer of corn products located in Tuggen and Schübelbach, asked us to create new packaging as well as a new website for their company.

Branding and Website for a Female Health Doctor

Branding and Website for a Female Health Doctor

Dr. Gian-Piero Ghisu asked us to create the brand for his new female health clinic, as well as designing & developing an according website.

Branding & Website for a Medical Congress

Branding & Website for a Medical Congress

The Colorectal THRIVE congress offers more than 50 Expert Lectures and interaction opportunities with key opinion leaders in colorectal surgery from all over Europe. We were asked to support the organizer with the Congress branding, webdesign and website development.

Rebrand and New Website for a Tourism Organization

Rebrand and New Website for a Tourism Organization

The Verkehrsverein Lachen is committed to promoting tourism and culture in the community of Lachen SZ. We were asked to help the association with a rebranding including a new website.

Branding and Onlineshop for a Swiss Musician

Branding and Onlineshop for a Swiss Musician

Bruno Zellweger is a swiss musician and componist. In December 2022, a CD with 14 songs, written by Bruno Zellweger, was released. On his website, the CD can be aquired.

Rebranding and Website for Anja's Power Therapie

Rebranding and Website for Anja's Power Therapie

Anjas Power Therapie supports her clients in (re)building a positive body image and health. APT offers classic massages, physiotherapy and the ComeS therapy method.

Branding and Website for an Online Fitness Coach

Branding and Website for an Online Fitness Coach

Matthias Riesen is the founder of the online fitness coaching business "Riesens Fitness Academy". He asked us to take a look at his existing website and rebrand it. The website includes multiple pages as well as a blog and a membership functionality.

Rebranding and Website for a Health / Sports company

Rebranding and Website for a Health / Sports company

The clinic Pressurtherapie in Tuggen SZ is a regionally known business, which offers its customers a broad range of health and fitness offerings (yoga, Qui Gong, meditation) as well as the treatment method ComeS by Divinita.

Website for a swiss biomed startup

Website for a swiss biomed startup

compagOs is a biomed startup from ETH that aims to revolutionize #drug development in pharma with 3D bioprinting. Using bone organoid technology, compagOs aims to replace preclinical animal experiments used for implant and drug development.

Get in touch with us

Let’s get to know each other and collaborate.
We’re pretty uncomplicated - contact us any way you’d like or fill out the form.
We’ll get back to you asap.

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